Overall |
![]() Vindinium is a multiplayer artificial intelligence game in which players create a bot and code its instructions in Javascript. Each round, there’s a random setting comprised of foliage and water, mines, and taverns. Players begin with 100 health points and zero gold. Every player’s goal is to end the game with the most amount of gold, which is gotten by collecting mines, which give the owner one piece of gold per turn. To collect mines, players have to defeat a goblin, which protects it. They can also gain mines from killing other players, which gives them all of the deceased’s mines. When a player is killed, they keep all their gold, but have no mines. Taverns give players more health, at 50 health points for two coins. |
Part 1 |
![]() This section was given to us already coded, but I'll still describe lines 3 and 4, which I did use. These are basically the same thing, but one is commented out. The random string first in the parentheses is my bot's code, which means that you could take it and use my bot. The training/arena part determines whether or not my bot pretty much just tests for if it crashes (training) or runs against other bots (arena). Lastly, the http://vindinium.org/ determines if my bot runs against the main Vindinium server (vindinium.org) or the private server for this class ( |
Part 2- Global Data |
Part 3- WHAT to do |
Part 4- HOW to do it |
What I Learned |
This was a very hard project, especially the first couple days we were doing it. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing and was super confused, even when people explained how to do things. I first started understanding how it worked when Mr. Hesby did the attack function (or some other function, I don't remember) on the board and people could follow along and copy what he was writing. Even though this could be considered cheating and might not help some people, it was very informational for me because I began to understand how the three sections work together and how most of the sections (going to taverns, mines, or attacking people) aren't that different from each other.
var Bot = require('bot');
var PF = require('pathfinding');
// var bot = new Bot('ger0yqw7', 'training', 'http://vindinium.org'); /*Put your bot's code here and change training to Arena when you want to fight others.*/
var bot = new Bot('smzyd7pm', 'arena', ''); /*Put your bot's code here and change training to Arena when you want to fight others.*/
var goDir;
var Promise = require('bluebird');
Bot.prototype.botBrain = function() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
_this = bot;
//////* Write your bot below Here *//////
//////* Set `myDir` in the direction you want to go and then bot.goDir is set to myDir at the bottom *////////
/* *
* This Code is global data! *
* */
// Set myDir to what you want and it will set bot.goDir to that direction at the end. Unless it is "none"
var myDir;
var myPos = [bot.yourBot.pos.x, bot.yourBot.pos.y];
/* enemyBots [] holds [x,y] of enemy bots */
var enemyBots = [];
if (bot.yourBot.id != 1) enemyBots.push(bot.bot1);
if (bot.yourBot.id != 2) enemyBots.push(bot.bot2);
if (bot.yourBot.id != 3) enemyBots.push(bot.bot3);
if (bot.yourBot.id != 4) enemyBots.push(bot.bot4);
/* allMines [] holds [x,y] of each enemy mines. The for loop pushes all of the locations of the free mines into the array*/
var allMines = [];
allMines = allMines.concat(enemyBots[0].mines);
allMines = allMines.concat(enemyBots[1].mines);
allMines = allMines.concat(enemyBots[2].mines);
for (i = 0; i < bot.freeMines.length; i++) {
/* variable closestPlayer holds the array of enemyBots. enemyBots holds */
var closestPlayer = enemyBots[0];
for (i = 0; i < bot.enemyBots.length; i++) {
if (bot.findDistance(myPos, closestPlayer.posArray) > bot.findDistance(myPos, bot.enemyBots[i].posArray)) {
closestPlayer = bot.enemyBots[i];
/* *
* This Code Decides WHAT to do *
* */
//variable task
var task;
//run taverns if bot health <51
if (bot.yourBot.life < 51) {
task = "taverns";
//run attack if taverns cant be run and my position is < 4 from closest enemy
else if (bot.findDistance(myPos, closestPlayer.posArray) < 4) {
task = "attack";
//run freeMines if previous if conditions are false
else {
task = "freeMines";
/* *
* This Code Determines HOW to do it *
* */
// This Code find the nearest freemine, sets myDir to that path, and goes there
if (task === "freeMines") {
var closestMine = bot.freeMines[0];
for (i = 0; i < allMines.length; i++) {
if (bot.findDistance(myPos, closestMine) > bot.findDistance(myPos, allMines[i])) {
closestMine = allMines[i];
console.log("Claiming a Mine!");
myDir = bot.findPath(myPos, closestMine);
//this finds the nearest freeTavern, sets myDir to that path//
if (task === "taverns") {
var closestTavern = bot.taverns[0];
for (i = 0; i < bot.taverns.length; i++) {
if (bot.findDistance(myPos, closestTavern) > bot.findDistance(myPos, bot.taverns[i])) {
closestTavern = bot.taverns[i];
console.log("Closest tavern");
myDir = bot.findPath(myPos, closestTavern);
// This Code find the nearest player and sets myDir toward that direction to attack //
if (task === "attack") {
myDir = bot.findPath(myPos, closestPlayer.posArray);
/* Sets your direction based on myDir. If you are trying to go to a place that you can't reach, you move randomly.*
* Otherwise you move in the direction set by your code. Feel free to change this code if you want.*/
if (myDir === "none") {
console.log("Going Random!");
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
var dirs = ["north", "south", "east", "west"];
bot.goDir = dirs[rand];
else {
bot.goDir = myDir;
///////////* DON'T REMOVE ANTYTHING BELOW THIS LINE *//////////////